Archangel meditations

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Meditations which connect us to the power of the Archangels. Each Archangel enhances its own particular quality.

We can select the meditation (or quality) which we feel we need at this very moment. Or we can choose one or more of the Archangels and simply immerse ourselves in their energies, experiencing what this enhances and recognising our very own beauty and entirety. A soothing gift.

Music: Merlin’s Magic - Written and spoken by: Dr. Petra Schneider

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The vibrations of the Archangels resolve blockages, help us to dance lightly through life, and strengthen our powers and abilities. They remind us of the divine spark within us and our original being. This makes it easier for us to recognise the presence of the Archangels, to accept their power and to cultivate our own skills. Each Archangel enhances its own particular quality.

You can listen to the CD as whole or select tracks to connect with just one or a few angel qualities.

Guided meditation with music by Merlin’s Magic.


1. Harmonisation with angel power (5:39)
2. Raphael - Health (5:55)
3. Gabriel - Delight and Clarity (7:03)
4. Chamuel - Discarding ballast, feeling buoyant (5:06)
5. Michael - Purification, power and integration (5:56)
6. Uriel - Manifesting visions, developing ourselves (6:28)
7. Haniel - Courage, assuming our true greatness (5:31)
8. Jophiel - Integration (6:33)
9. Metatron - Connection to the original source (4:38)
10. Zadkiel - Completeness (4:22)
11. Coming back (4:11)
Total length: 61:27

Windpferd Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-89386-978-0

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