Making it out of bed in the morning

Making it out of bed in the morning more easily thanks to essences.

  • “Here I am”: becoming alert and focussing on everyday life; not getting trapped in our dreams; presence in our body
  • Haniel:standing up straight and starting the day
  • IntegrationEssence Sun: awakens our zest for life and gives us verve for the day
  1. Hilfe im Alltag, im Job, in der Partnerschaft mit Energiesprays und Energieschmuck von LichtWesen “Here I am” - tincture and jewellery
    “Here I am” - tincture and jewellery
    presence in our body and in the world, jewellery

    Starting at €29.90

  2. Hilfe im Alltag, im Job, in der Partnerschaft mit Energiesprays und Energieschmuck von LichtWesen Haniel
    Haniel #23
    standing up straight

    Starting at €26.90